Thursday, October 16, 2008

Presidential Debate Oct 15 2008 - Video


In case you missed it or want to see it again here it is the Full Video of the Third 2008 Presidential Debate with Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL).

1 Hour 30 minutes. [TIP: If Video is choppy, click on pause and wait until a red band appears in the bar at the bottom]

The big Question is - Who do you trust? Look at the History: Past voting records, Past associations, Who has lied? Who has been overly secretive about his past? Who has accepted Campaign Financing from Muslim Terrorists?

The Answer is Obama!

Now look at this video, watch Slick Barry smooth talk his way around this Debate, What’s your Gut telling you? Mines queasy whenever Barack opens his mouth. I know the truth, he isn’t telling it.

Just one point, one small point regarding voting against legislation to prevent the killing of Babies or letting them die in a dirty linen closet if they survive an abortion. Slick Barry said there already was a law on the books for that….

Oh, really??? Then why were Hospitals doing that??? Why were they killing the survivor babies by not tending to them??? Why didn’t Barry pursue Legal action against these Hospitals if there really was a Law on the books that allowed them to save the Babies. The Legal Eagles at the Hospitals knew there was no such requirement and no protection from lawsuits if the did implement a policy of administering to the Live Babies! That’s why the very Laws he voted against were up for Vote!!! He voted against these Bills and gave us all a Bull Sh** Sandwich to eat. Quite a “Spin Doctor Barry”. Now with this in mind watch the Video with awareness. (And don’t eat any of Barry’s B.S. Sandwiches)

—Al (Grumpy Old Man)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Washington Approves the Bailout - Banned SNL Skit

Washington Approves the Bailout - Saturday Night Live Excerpt (s.34 : ep.4) | 07:18 |
Banned from YouTube SNL Skit---

See more Videos at Hulu
H/T Pat Dollard

Mushi-shi: The Light of the Eyelid

Season 1 : Ep. 2 | 23:56 |
A young child is abandoned to eternal night. Another fights to keep the light from dying. When beauty between worlds poisons the eye of the beholder, the cure lies in the cause.

Hulu -

more about "Mushi-shi: The Light of the Eyelid", posted with vodpod

Mushi-shi: The Green Seat

Season 1 : Ep. 1 | 23:56 min
Once in a great while, an individual is born into the world who possesses a rare and wonderful gift: The power to create life. But for one who cannot define reality, such talent... HULU

more about "Mushi-shi: The Green Seat ", posted with vodpod

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Gingrich Slams MSNBC's Allen Concerning Palin's Qualifications

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich did what conservatives have been waiting for someone to do since Sarah Palin was announced as John McCain's running mate: take on someone in the media claiming that she lacks the qualifications to be vice president.

Such marvelously occurred Tuesday evening on the convention floor in St. Paul when MSNBC's Ron Allen said to the former Speaker, "But to be fair, her resume is not something we're familiar seeing with presidential candidates."

This didn't sit well with Gingrich who strongly replied (video embedded right, h/t NB readers Matt Noll and Patrick):

It's stronger than Barack Obama's. I don't know why you guys walk around saying this baloney. She has a stronger resume than Obama. She's been a real mayor, he hasn't. She has been a real governor, he hasn't. She's been in charge of the Alaskan National Guard, he hasn't. She was a whistleblower who defeated an incumbent mayor. He has never once shown that kind of courage. She's a whistleblower who turned in the chairman of her own party and got him fined $12,000. I've never seen Obama do one thing like that. She took on the incumbent governor of her own party and beat him, and then she beat a former Democratic governor in the general election. I don't know of a single thing Obama's done except talk and write.

Newt then challenged Allen:

I'd like you to tell me one thing Sen. Obama's done.

With that, Allen retreated, and said:

Thanks very much, Mr. Speaker. I'm going to leave it there. I'm not going to argue the case. Thanks very much.

more about "Gingrich Slams MSNBC's Allen Concerni...", posted with vodpod

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Three Little Pigs - American WWII

From: Xenosophia

Blitz Wolf' is an MGM cartoon directed by Tex Avery in 1942. It juxtaposes the Second World War with the famous tale of the three little pigs. Hitler is depicted as the wolf, and other Western powers as three little pigs.

more about "Three Little Pigs - American WWII", posted with vodpod

Bugs Bunny - Nazi - Negro U.S. War Bonds Commercial (Banned Cartoons)

From: HailToTheSkunk

Banned Cartoons - Bugs Bunny -Nazi--Negro U.S. War Bonds Commercial From WW II (Banned)

more about "Bugs Bunny - Nazi - Negro U.S. War Bo...", posted with vodpod

Squirrel Playing Football

From: CarlsbergSport

Squirrel playing football after having a sip of Carlsberg Sport.

more about "Squirrel Playing Football", posted with vodpod

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bugs Bunny - Nazi - U.S. War Bonds Commercial

From: HailToTheSkunk

Banned Cartoons - Bugs Bunny -Nazi--Negro U.S. War Bonds Commercial From WW II (Banned)

more about "Bugs Bunny - Nazi - U.S. War Bonds Co...", posted with vodpod

Popeye - Spinach Fer Britain

From: randomvideos1

Banned cartoons popeye spinach fer Britain.

more about "Popeye - Spinach Fer Britain", posted with vodpod

Monday, July 21, 2008

JibJab’s view of the 2008 election

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The folks at JibJab, always hilarious and sometimes infuriating, offer us their somewhat Liberal view of the approaching Presidential election.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Fred Slams Barry | The Patriot Room

Fred Slams Barry
» by Bill Dupray
At this stage of the campaign, we are left with Obama’s over-enunciated substanceless rhetoric, McCain’s politically correct wouldn’t-want-to-offend-anyone admonitions, and Hillary’s nails-on-the-chalkboard national mother-in-law staccato. It is refreshing to hear ol’ Fred’s confident, relaxed, reassuring, common sense slamming of Obama.

from patriotroom.composted with vodpod

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Church of Oprah Exposed

The Church of Oprah Exposed

Oprah's new online class covering Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth is exposed. They conducted the first mass trance. Over 2 Million participated in this new age class, a new book Don't Drink the Kool-Aid uncovers shocking truths that must be shared.

from with vodpod

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 - Cops Beat Peaceful Tibetan Protesters IN AMERICA

Video footage of New York cops clubbing and arresting peaceful Tibetan protesters who were merely walking down the street has gone relatively ignored beyond Youtube.

While stories emerge out of China every day of police beating and killing Tibetan protestors in the streets, the same sort of behavior by cops in America tells its own story.

The footage was shot at a free Tibet peaceful assembly in New York on the 14th of March.

It shows the protestors holding flags and signs and peacefully walking down the street towards the UN building in the Turtle Bay neighborhood only to be accosted by police officers with batons...

"Look at these cops, clubbing people in front of the UN, unbelievable, protesting to free Tibet, cops clubbing people in their legs on the sidewalk, in front of the UN in America, unbelievable, this is not China." the American cameraman announces in disbelief.

...The officer identified as Serano then forces the cameraman away from the melee, telling him to shut the camera off and that he will not talk to him because he may be a reporter.

Several officers then follow the cameraman asking him about his recording of the incident.

Read More at Live Leak

from www.liveleak.composted with vodpod